What My Mistakes Taught Me 2021 - Medical Education Center | Board Review Courses

What My Mistakes Taught Me 2021


What My Mistakes Taught Me 2021

Learning Objectives

At the conclusion of this course, you be able to:
– Identify heuristics that influence clinical decision making
– Discuss how reviewing mistakes and errors can positively enhance clinical skills
– Explain how recognition of mistakes can help with strategies to prevent similar mistakes in the future
– Describe how clinical successes and failures can provide important lessons for clinical decision making
– Recognize how to analyze one’s own experiences as a source of continuing medical education
– Use principles of cognitive psychology to understand the diagnostic process

Intended Audience

This educational activity is designed for all generalists and specialists interested in learning what physicians from different areas of medicine and surgery have learned from problems, mistakes, and errors in clinical practice.


Overview of Diagnostic Errors in Clinical Practice – In Pursuit of Diagnostic Excellence
David E. Newman-Toker, MD, PhD

Neurology – What My Mistakes Taught Me
Martin A. Samuels, MD

Infectious Disease – What My Mistakes Have Taught Me
Paul E. Sax, MD

Humanism in the Care of the Advanced Heart Failure Patient
Michelle Kittleson, MD, PhD

Mistakes in Rheumatology or What My Mistakes Taught Me
Jonathan Coblyn, MD

Lessons from a Pulmonologist in the Frontline
Bartolome R. Celli, MD

What I Would Have Learned from My Mistakes If I Had Made Any
Julian L. Seifter, MD

Going Through Mental Pause: Errors by an Endocrinologist
Carolyn B. Becker, MD

Hematology – Lessons from Our Mistakes
Nancy Berliner, MD

Remove the Blinders – See Something Say Something
Michael D. Apstein, MD, FACG

Psychiatry – What My Mistakes Have Taught Me and Other Lessons
John B. Herman, MD

MRI Imaging Findings – Culprit or Bystander
Zacharia Isaac, MD

Emergency Medicine – Lessons Learned from My Mistakes: Let Me Count the Ways…
Jonathan A. Edlow, MD

Learning from Mistakes During a Neurosurgical Career
Edward Raymond Laws, MD

Current Status of Joint Replacement
Thomas S. Thornhill, MD

Patient Experience of Illness and Recovery
Steven D. Rauch, MD

Mistakes are My Legacy – A Tribute to My Mentors Who Helped Me Avoid Catastrophe
Rebecca D. Folkerth, MD

What My Mistakes Have Taught Me – Pain Medicine
Edgar L. Ross, MD

Lemonade and Wisdom – Stepping Stones on the Path to Positive Transformation
Alexander Norbash, MD

Twenty-Five Common Mistakes Made in Daily Clinical Practice
Joseph S. Alpert, MD

Things I Learned in Medical School (and Even Before Medical School) That Were NOT True
Joseph S. Alpert, MD

What I Have Learned from More Than 50 Years of Clinical Medicine
Joseph S. Alpert, MD


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