123sonography Musculoskeletal Ultrasound BachelorClass - Medical Education Center | Board Review Courses

123sonography Musculoskeletal Ultrasound BachelorClass


Format 174 Video Files (.mp4 )

Size : 18.3 Gb

The Musculoskeletal Ultrasound BachelorClass is an exclusive teaching program where you will learn all the necessary basics of Musculoskeletal Ultrasound through 170 short-videos and micro-learning moments to apply this knowledge in your daily practice.

Anatomical Tissues
Qualitatice Scanning
Anatomy: Shoulder
Anatomy: Elbow
Anatomy: Wrist
Anatomy: Hip
Anatomy: Knee
Anatomy: Ankle
Protocol Positions: Shoulder
Protocol Positions: Elbow
Protocol Positions: Wrist
Protocol Positions: Hip
Protocol Positions: Knee
Protocol Positions: Ankle
Pathology Checklist
Pathology: Shoulder
Pathology: Elbow
Pathology: Wrist
Pathology: Hip
Pathology: Knee
Pathology: Ankle

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