46th Annual Meeting of the North American Society of Cardiovascular Imaging (NASCI) 2019 - Medical Education Center | Board Review Courses

46th Annual Meeting of the North American Society of Cardiovascular Imaging (NASCI) 2019


Details : 103 Videos

Topics And Speakers:
Session 1: CT/MR Basics Bootcamp

Credentialing – What Do I Need for Cardiovascular CT and MR?
Jadranka Stojanovska, MD

Patient Preparation and Safety
Julian Wichmann, MD

Common CT Protocols and Dose Optimization
Martin Willemink, MD, PhD

Cardiac MRI: Basic Protocols
Gautham Reddy, MD, MPH, FNASCI

Structured Reporting of CT and MR
Anil Attili, MD

Question & Answer

Session 2: Case Based Bootcamp—Common Indications for CT/MR

Have You Met My Aunt Minnie? Interesting Cardiac Findings You Should Know!
Jill Jacobs, MD, FNASCI

Coronary Artery Variants in Origin and Termination
Amar Shah, MD

Coronary Artery Disease – Native Vessels
Cheng Ting Lin, MD

Evaluation of Coronary Bypass Grafts and Stents
Tami Bang, MD

Cardiac CT: Beyond the Coronaries Arteries
Joao Inacio, MD

Question & Answer

Session 3: Case Based Bootcamp—More Common Indications for CT/MR

Adult Congenital Heart Disease
Satinder Singh, MD, FNASCI

MR of Ischemic Heart Disease
Daniel Groves, MD

Nonischemic Cardiomyopathies: A Case Based Approach
Elizabeth Lee, MD

Left Ventricular Hypertrophy
Carole Dennie, MD, FRCPC, FNASCI

Right Ventricular Dilatation: Case Based Review
Elena Pena Fernandes, MD

Question & Answer

Session 4: Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp

Principles of Deep Learning in Radiology
Benoit Desjardins, MD, PhD

Beyond the Buzzwords: Current Status, Challenges, and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence in Cardiovascular Applications
Carlo De Cecco, MD, PhD, FNASCI

Augmented Imaging (AI) Enhanced Workflows for Cardiac Imaging
Albert Hsiao, MD, PhD

On-Site CT-FFR Applications – Feasibility and Practical Insights
Moritz Albrecht, MD

Question & Answer

Session 5: Artificial Intelligence Panel Discussion

Artificial Intelligence in Cardiovascular Imaging: Friend or Foe – Panel Discussion
U. Joseph Schoepf, MD, FNASCI, FACR
Raym Geis, MD, FACR
Bibb Allen Jr, MD, FACR
Dorin Comaniciu, PhD
Felix Lau
Albert Hsiao, MD, PhD

Session 6: Ischemic Heart Disease: New Frontiers

Imaging for Stable Ischemic Heart Disease in Large Clinical Trials
Leslee J. Shaw, PhD, FACC, FASNC, FAHA

The Value of FFR-CT in Clinical Practice
Geoffrey Rubin, MD, FNASCI

Photon Counting CT: Potential Applications for Ischemic Cardiomyopathy
David Bluemke, MD, PhD, MsB, FNASCI

Automated Quantitative Stress CMR in Routine Clinical Environment
Juliano Fernandes

Question & Answer

Session 7: International Session – Update on Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathy

Updates in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF)
Tae Hoon Kim, MD, PhD

MR Imaging of Cardiac Amyloidosis Updated
Yeon Hyeon Choe, MD, PhD

Update on Non-Ischemic Cardiomyopathy Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Luigi Natale, MD

Updates in Cardio-Oncology
Yoo Jin Hong, MD

Updates on Chagas Disease
Monica Ocampo, MD

Is There a Role for CT in the Evaluation of Cardiomyopathy and Heart Failure?
Rozemarijn Vliegenthart, MD, PhD, FNASCI

Question & Answer

Session 8: Cutting Edge Technology and AHA Session

Cinematic Rendering in the Heart
Elliott Fishman, MD

MR Elastography of the Heart
Elsie Nguyen, MD, FRCPC

No It’s Not Strain. Myocardial Velocity Assessment Using Tissue Phase Mapping
Bradley Allen, MD

Session 9: Current Controversies – Rapid Fire Debates

FFRct vs. CT Myocardial Perfusion: Which Should Be Incorporated Into Routine Clinical Practice?
U. Joseph Schoepf, MD, FNASCI
Carlo De Cecco, MD, PhD, FNASCI

Should T1 Mapping Be Incorporated Into Clinical Practice?
Kate Hanneman, MD
Stefan Zimmerman, MD, FNASCI

Session 10: Pediatric Session- Congenital Cardiac Imaging

Imaging the Lymphatic System
Prakash Masand, MD

CT and MRI Coronary Imaging in Children: How I Do It
Lorna Browne, MD, FRCR

Pulmonary and Systemic Venous Imaging: Pre and Post Intervention
Christina Fuss, MD

Congenital Aortopathies: An Update
Denver Sallee, MD

Complex Arch Anomalies
Randolph Otto, MD

Interesting Flow Quantification Cases: How I Do It
Taylor Chung, MD

3D Printing in Surgical Planning for Congenital Heart Disease
Markus Renno, MD

Session 11: Pediatric Vertical Session

Pediatric Cardiomyopathies
Sean Lang, MD

Fetal Cardiac Imaging by MRI Using an External Gating Device
Diana Bardo, MD, FNASCI

CMR Predictors of Outcomes in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Sanjeev Aggarwal, MD

Update On Ebstein Anolmaly
Rebecca Beroukhim, MD

Session 12: Pediatric Session: Single Ventricle

CMR for Interstage Single Ventricles: Pros and Cons
Rahul Rathod, MD

Catheter Angiography in Interstage Single Ventricle: Pros and Cons
Srikant Das, MD

MR Predictors of Outcome in Single Ventricles
Mark Fogel, MD, FNASCI

Fontan: Beyond the Heart
Christopher Francois, MD

Session 13: Adult Congenital

Imaging of Unrepaired CHD Presenting in Adults
Siddharth Jadhav, MD

CMR Predictors of Outcomes in Tetralogy of Fallot
Sowmya Balasubramanian, MD, MSc

Post-Operative Imaging of the Great Arteries
Karen Lyons, MB, BCh, BAO, MRCPI, FFRSCI

CT for Problem Solving in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease
S. Bruce Greenberg, MD, FNASCI

Computational Flow Dynamics in Congenital Heart Disease
Dianna Bardo, MD, FNASCI

Virtual Reality for Therapeutic Planning in Congenital Heart Disease
Animesh Tandon, MD, MS

Question & Answer

Session 14: Tumors, Infection and Inflammation

Tumors and Tumor-Like Conditions of the Heart: Radiology/Pathology Correlation
Prachi Agarwal, MD, MS, FNASCI

Tumors and Tumor-Like Conditions of the Pericardium: Radiology/Pathology Correlation
Katherine Kaproth-Joslin, PhD, MD

Diffusion Weighted Imaging In Myocarditis
Bijan Bijan, MD

Emerging Role of PET/MR in Inflammatory Cardiomyopathy
Jeremy Collins, MD

Imaging Cardiac Infections
Karen Ordovas, MD, MS, FNASCI

Coronary Artery Imaging: A Historical Perspecitve
Robert M. Steiner, MD, FACC, FACR, FNASCI

Session 15: Structural Heart

Pre TAVR Planning
Gregory Kicska, MD, PhD, FNASCI

Imaging Detection of TAVR Complications
Jacobo Kirsch, MD, FNASCI

CT of the Mitral Valve
Eric Williamson, MD, FNASCI

Imaging in the Evaluation of Left Atrial Appendage Devices
Prabhakar Rajiah, MBBS, MD

Transcatheter Pulmonary Valve Replacement
Daniel Ocazionez, MD

Question & Answer

Session 16: Challenging Patients, Challenging Conditions

Imaging the Electrophysiology Patient: Arrhythmia and Implanted Devices
Harold Litt, MD, PhD, FNASCI

3D LGE for Planning Ventricular Ablations
Alejandro Zuluaga

T2 Weighted Imaging of the Heart – Tips and Tricks
Philip Young, MD, FNASCI

CMR Diastology and Strain Imaging in Cardiomyopathies
Tarun Pandey, MD

Cross-sectional Imaging in Left Ventricular Assist Device
Sasan Partovi, MD

RVAD/ECMO; Types, Indications and Imaging for Complications
Rachael Edwards, MD

CTA for TAVR Evaluation with Low Contrast Dose (

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