AAFP Family-Centered Maternity Care Self-Study Package – 9th Edition 2020 (CME VIDEOS) - Medical Education Center | Board Review Courses

AAFP Family-Centered Maternity Care Self-Study Package – 9th Edition 2020 (CME VIDEOS)


Release Date : 12/16/2020

21 Video + 21 PDFs + 21 MP3

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this CME activity, you should be able to:
– Demonstrate an understanding of common clinical problems seen in maternity care, centered on the family.
– Construct evidence-based strategies to diagnose and treat common conditions related to maternity care.
– Prepare plans to address emerging public health topics that patients may present with and address concerns.
Topics :
– Amniotic Fluid Embolism and Shock
– Boobie Traps: The Evidence-based Care of the Breastfeeding Patient
– Cardiovascular Disease in Pregnancy
– Common Questions from Pregnant Patients
– Diabetes Mellitus in Pregnancy
– Infections (Chorioamnionitis, Endometritis, Neonatal Sepsis, Coronavirus)
– Labor Induction vs Expectant Management
– Laboring with an Epidural
– Obesity in Pregnancy and Childbirth: Managing and Preventing Complications
– Opioid: THC Use in Pregnancy
– Osteopathy in Pregnancy – Advanced Concepts
– Osteopathy in Pregnancy – Basic
– Peripartum Care in the LGBTQ Community
– Postpartum Hemorrhage
– Preconception and Interconception Care
– Preeclampsia
– Prematurity
– Prenatal Care
– Rural Maternity Care
– Safety and Efficacy of Medications in Pregnancy
– Striving for Birth Equity: Eliminating Disparities in Maternal Morbidity and Mortality

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