AIUM Practice Parameteres for Neonatal Head, Spine, and Hip - Medical Education Center | Board Review Courses

AIUM Practice Parameteres for Neonatal Head, Spine, and Hip


After watching this video, the viewer should be able to describe the normal sonographic appearance of the neonatal brain, spine, and hip.
This tutorial demonstrates the techniques for performing neonatal ultrasound examinations as recommended by the following practice parameters:

AIUM Practice Parameter for the Performance of Neurosonography in Neonates and Infants.
AIUM Practice Parameter for the Performance of Ultrasound Examination of the Neonatal and Infant Spine
AIUM Practice Parameter for the Performance of Ultrasound Examination for Detection and Assessment of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip

1. Introduction
2. AIUM Practice Parameter for Ultrasound Examination of the Neonatal Head, Spine, and Hip

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