AIUM Sonographic Evaluation of the Neonatal Brain - Medical Education Center | Board Review Courses

AIUM Sonographic Evaluation of the Neonatal Brain


The objective of this video is to review normal sonographic imaging techniques, normal brain anatomy, congenital malformations, and hypoxic-ischemic disease in the neonatal brain. The learner attributes
addressed are patient care, medical knowledge, and practice-based learning and improvement.
CME credit for this video program is available through July 1, 2020. This video is eligible for 1 CME credit. The CME test for this video is available here: Just look for the title of this video

Neonatal Brain: Part 1–Dr Munden

Neonatal Brain: Part 2–Dr Dannull

Neonatal Brain: Part 3–Dr Rosenberg

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