GULFCOAST Introduction to Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia 2019 - Medical Education Center | Board Review Courses

GULFCOAST Introduction to Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia 2019


7 Videos

GULFCOAST Introduction to Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia 2019


-Increase the participants’ knowledge and competence to perform Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia procedures.
-Demonstrate proper transducer manipulation and system optimization to produce diagnostic images.
-List the advantages of using ultrasound-guided nerve block techniques.
-Identify and distinguish the topographic and cross-sectional brachial plexus anatomy.
-Outline imaging techniques for performing ultrasound-guided upper extremity regional anesthesia nerve blocks.
-Demonstrate imaging techniques for performing ultrasound-guided lower extremity nerve blocks on live models.
-State scan techniques for performing PECC and TAP blocks using ultrasound guidance.

Topics :

  • Indications and Applications for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia
  • Upper Extremity Nerve Blocks: Anatomy, US Scanning and Injection Techniques
    • Interscalene
    • Supraclavicular
    • Infraclavicular
    • Axillary
    • Musculocutaneous
    • Forearm: Radial, Ulnar, Median
  • Truncal Blocks
    • PECS 1
    • PECCS 11
      • Subcostal TAP
      • Classical TAP
      • Quadratus Lumborum Block
    • Lower Extremity Nerve Blocks: Anatomy US Scanning and Injection Techniques
      • Femoral
      • Fascia Iliaca Block
      • Saphenous/Adductor Canal Block
      • Sciatic (Popliteal & Subgluteal)
      • Ankle Blocks
    • Scan Demonstrations

Date of Original Release: 4/17/2019

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