Michael P. Federle, M.D. Presents Abdominal Imaging: A Compressive Review - Medical Education Center | Board Review Courses

Michael P. Federle, M.D. Presents Abdominal Imaging: A Compressive Review


Michael P. Federle, M.D.  Credits 9.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)

Topics And Speakers:
Session 1
Expert DDX: Cystic Renal Mass
Expert DDX: Cystic and Mucinous Pancreatic Masses
Session 2
Expert DDX: Cystic Liver Mass
Abdominal Hemorrhage: Diagnosis and Management
Session 3
Diffuse Liver Disease Evaluation by CT + MR
Focal Lesions in the Noncirrhotic Liver (Definitive Dx by CT +/or MR)
Focal Lesions in the Cirrhotic Liver
Session 4
Fluoroscopy in the CT – Endoscopy Era
Complications of Bariatric Surgery – Clinical and Imaging Findings
Postoperative Imaging of Esophageal Cancer
Session 5
Antireflux Surgery: What the Radiologist Needs to Know
EDDx: RLQ Pain
Expert DDX LLQ Pain (Diverticutisis, etc)
Session 6
Malpractice Issues for Radiologists

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