Risk Management for Medical Practitioners 2022 - Medical Education Center | Board Review Courses

Risk Management for Medical Practitioners 2022


Date of Original Release: January 15, 2022
Details : 21 Videos , 2 PDF


COVID 19 and Other Hot Spots in Risk Management – David Gould, JD, James T. Hilliard, JD, and Clyde Bergstresser, JD

The Importance of Communication to Prevent and Manage Medical Errors in Primary Care – Katherine Johnston, MD, MA, MSc, FACP

When Something Goes Wrong – Helpful Strategies for Communication, Apology, and Resolution – Stephen D. Brown, MD

Your Insurer’s Perspective on Avoiding a Malpractice Case – Josh Hyatt, DHS, MBE, MHL

Telemedicine and Email Risks – James T. Hilliard, JD

The Important Notebook to Save Your Practice – James T. Hilliard, JD

Risks Including Potential Liability for Nurse Practitioners in 2021 and Beyond – Sara Smoller, RN, MSN, ANP-BC

Panel Discussion with Questions and Answers – Clyde Bergstresser, JD, Stephen D. Brown, MD, David Gould, JD, James T. Hilliard, JD, Josh Hyatt, DHS, MBE, MHL, Sara Smoller, RN, MSN, ANP-BC

Risk Management Aspects of Documentation and the EMR in Clinical Practice – Thomas G. Gutheil, MD

Best Practice for Avoiding Malpractice – A Surgeon’s Perspective – David Brooks, MD

Decision Making in the ICU – Lessons Learned from Covid-19 – Stanley A. Nasraway, MD

Liability Risks in Curbside Consultation – Clyde Bergstresser, JD, and David Gould, JD

Panel Discussion with Questions and Answers – Clyde Bergstresser, JD, David Brooks, MD, David Gould, JD, Stanley A. Nasraway, MD

Surviving Your Deposition: Tactics and Tips – David Gould, JD, Thomas G. Gutheil, MD, and Clyde Bergstresser, JD

The Defendant and Expert Witnesses on the Witness Stand – David Gould, JD, Thomas G. Gutheil, MD, and Clyde Bergstresser, JD

Panel Discussion with Questions and Answers – Clyde Bergstresser, JD, David Gould, JD, Thomas G. Gutheil, MD

Handling the Risks of a Judgment in Excess of Your Insurance Coverage and Benefits of Having a Personal Attorney – Clyde Bergstresser, JD, and David Gould, JD

How the Doctor and Nurse Practitioner Can Positively Influence the Jury – What the Very Encouraging Research Reveals – Linda Crawford, JD

Anatomy of a Case with Mock Trial Demonstration – Jerry M. Blaine, MD, Clyde Bergstresser, JD, David Gould, JD, and The Honorable Gregg J. Pasquale

The Clinician in Court: A View from the Bench – The Honorable Gregg J. Pasquale

Panel Discussion with Questions and Answers – Clyde Bergstresser, JD, Jerry M. Blaine, MD, Linda S. Crawford, JD, David Gould, JD, The Honorable Gregg J. Pasquale

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