USCAP 2024 Annual Meeting Long Course: Sign-out of Medical Liver Disease and Liver Tumor Specimens in the Molecular Era: Emerging Possibilities - Medical Education Center | Board Review Courses

USCAP 2024 Annual Meeting Long Course: Sign-out of Medical Liver Disease and Liver Tumor Specimens in the Molecular Era: Emerging Possibilities


Original release date: May 22, 2024

Course Description
This course will cover a variety of hepatic neoplasms and medical liver diseases where there are opportunities for ancillary molecular testing to produce refinement of the diagnosis and provide clinically relevant prognostic information. For each of the topics addressed, the most up to date morphologic features and criteria used for diagnosis will first be reviewed, and then the potential for additional molecular testing will be covered. Resources regarding the availability and technical requirements for molecular testing will also be discussed. The potential of selected exciting emerging technologies to have clinical impact in the near term future will also be included.

Target Audience
Practicing academic and community pathologists, and pathologists-in-training

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this educational activity, learners will be able to:

  • Recognize the utility of germline testing to identify disease risk alleles for selected medical liver diseases
  • Identify circumstances where molecular testing of benign and malignant liver tumors can be helpful in patient management decisions
  • Understand the circumstances where molecular testing can supplement immunohistochemistry in the identification of the origin of hepatic metastatic tumors

items Included in the Purchase of this Course

Drug Induced Liver Injury in the Era of Molecular Medicine: Lessons for the Surgical Pathologist – John Hart, MD Section

How do I Diagnose Fibrolamellar Carcinoma? – Rondell P. Graham, MBBS

Molecular Pathology of the Bile Canaliculus: Small Structure, Big Function – Romil Saxena, MBBS, MD, FRCPath

Cholangiocarcinoma in the Era of Molecular Medicine: Diagnostic Tools and Therapeutic Opportunities – Lei Zhao, MD, PhD

A Rational Approach to Liver Metastases in the Molecular Era – Daniela Allende, MD

Beyond the Microscope: Tips to Take Evaluation of Medical Liver Biopsies to the Next Level and Into the Future – Heather L. Stevenson-Lerner, MD, PhD

Benign Hepatocellular Nodules: When, Why and How of Molecular Testing? – Valerie Paradis, MD, PhD

Diagnosis of Primary Malignant Liver Cancers in the Era of Molecular Medicine and Artificial Intelligence – Julien Calderaro, MD, PhD

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